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Denture Care & Maintenance 101

Recently got your dentures in Ottawa or just need a friendly reminder on how to clean and maintain them properly? Here we’ll give you all the information you need for denture care and maintenance.

Rules of Good Denture Care and Maintenance

Removable partial or complete dentures need proper care to keep them free from stains, clean, and looking their best. Follow these simple rules recommended by the American College of Prosthodontists for good denture care and maintenance:

  • Be careful when handling your dentures.
  • Remove and rinse dentures every time after eating.
  • Clean your mouth once the dentures are removed.
  • Brush the dentures daily with a soft bristled brush.
  • Let your denture soak overnight.
  • Rinse your dentures before placing them back in the mouth, especially after using a denture-soaking solution or a denture cleanser.
  • Go for regular dental check ups.
  • Visit your dentist right away if you have a loose fit.

Handling Dentures

It’s important to handle your dentures with care to avoid breaking them or damaging them. When taking them out at night, be sure to fold up a towel or fill a sink full of water to absorb the impact in case you accidentally drop them. You should also always handle your dentures with clean hands to avoid passing any bacteria or dirt onto the dentures.

Brushing and Rinsing

Brushing and rinsing is a crucial part of proper denture care and maintenance required to keep them clean and free of stains. Unclean dentures not only look bad, but they can also cause bad breath.

To brush your dentures, you’ll need a non-abrasive paste or cream that is designed for this purpose. Using regular toothpaste will likely scratch your dentures. It’s also wise to use a soft-bristled toothbrush that’s specially created for them to remove plaque and food particles.

To clean them, hold the lower denture on the side you are brushing and never in the palm of your hand as this could cause them to break. In between brushings, rinse the dentures after every single meal using warm water to flush away debris and bacteria.

In case you use a denture adhesive, make sure to clean the denture base that fits against the gums in order to remove the adhesive.

Denture Care & Maintenance 101 | Dentures OttawaUsing Denture Cleaner

You may also wish to clean your teeth with a cleaning solution from time to time. Before proceeding, you should always consult your dentist or denturist first regarding what products they recommend for the type of dentures you own. They will likely recommend a denture product like Steradent to remove persistent stains and calculus.

In all cases, you should avoid using household cleaners, abrasive toothpaste, or bleach to clean the dentures as they can damage the surface materials. You may also wish to purchase an ultrasonic cleaner that will allow you to immerse your dentures into a small tub that cleans them with sound waves.

Denture After Care

Your dentures should be safely stored away when you’re not using them. Your dentist will recommend the best methods for this. It’s important, however, to keep them moist so they do not lose their shape.

Denture Adjustment and Denture Repair

As soon as you receive your dentures, your dentist may recommend a number of follow-up appointments necessary to adjust the denture fit. You should never attempt to adjust the dentures yourself by bending any of the metal attachments as this will only damage or weaken the structure. Instead, visit your dentist as prescribed and let them take care of any changes that need to be made.

If at any time your dentures start to cause you soreness or irritation, it’s important to visit your dentist or prosthodontist. It’s not uncommon for your gums to change and or for dentures to lose shape.

The bone that supports the denture can, in fact, recede or shrink over time. This can make them loose and less stable which can impede your ability to chew while also causing facial distortion, lines, and wrinkles. Any looseness or pain is a sign that a repair or adjustment is needed by your dentist.

Denture Replacement

Dentures usually last between five to seven years, but in time, they will need to be rebased or remade due to normal wear and tear and changes to your jaw, bones, and gums. In many cases, the dentist will simply refit the base. However, an entirely new denture may need to be created.

Palate and Gum Care

Beyond denture care and maintenance, it’s also essential to brush your gums and tongue every day before putting your dentures in and after you remove them. Following a daily routine will ensure that any plaque or food debris is properly washed away, especially from the metal clasps. With a partial denture, you should brush your natural teeth as normal.

Rinsing with mouthwash or lukewarm water is also recommended to clean the gums and eliminate bacteria.

Dental Visits

Your dental professional will advise you on how often you will need to visit to have your dentures and oral health examined. Regular dental visits are necessary to ensure that the fit is still stable and the materials are still in quality condition. Your dentist will also clean any of your remaining teeth, and give your gums and mouth a professional treatment to prevent decay or oral diseases.

Denture Maintenance: What to Avoid

With denture care and maintenance, you should typically avoid:

  • Whitening toothpastes. Whitening toothpastes usually contain peroxide, which has no effect on the colour of your dentures.
  • Abrasive cleaning materials. Try to avoid brushes with stiff bristles, harsh toothpastes, and strong cleansers, as abrasive materials could cause damage to your dentures.
  • Products containing bleach. Avoid using bleaching products, as these can change the colour of your dentures and weaken them. Do not soak dentures that have metal attachments in solutions containing chlorine, as it can corrode and tarnish the metal.
  • Hot water. Boiling or hot water could cause your dentures to warp.

Contact Rockcliffe Dental & Denture Centre for Custom-Fit Dentures in Ottawa

Want to learn more about denture care and maintenance in Ottawa? At Rockcliffe Dental and Denture Centre, our master Denturist has an on-site lab right in our office where he produces a variety of custom-fit dentures. We also offer same-day relines and repairs.

Just book a consultation and examination with us, and we’ll take care of all of your needs. No matter how minor or major of a dental fitting or repair you need, we can easily accommodate you.

Contact us today!

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