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A Career as a Dentist

Interested in a career as a dentist? Or maybe you’re just curious about what’s involved? Either way, a career in dentistry is a rewarding and fulfilling profession. It’s an essential health service that allows us to serve and help others, and it allows us to constantly learn and grow as new advances and procedures become available. With the rapid advancements of today, it’s always exciting to learn about new ways that we can help and improve the lives of our patients.

So, if you’ve been curious about a career as a dentist, you’ve come to the right place. Here’s a brief overview of what you can expect.

Educational Training

First up, in order to become a dentist, you must undergo educational training at a dental school that has been accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation of Canada. Graduates must complete the National Dental Examining Board of Canada’s (NDEB) Certification Process. Programs take approximately four years and can take longer for those who are interested in specializing in a certain area of dentistry. Competition can be high among applicants to enter these programs.

A Blend Of Science And Creativity

Dentists are trained to perform many different procedures, and some are specifically trained with expertise in different areas, such as cosmetic dentistry.  Because dentistry involves so many different specialties that adhere to each individual’s needs, it is actually seen as a blend of both a scientific and artistic profession. Dentists must rely on intelligent and creative decisions with each patient.

Scope of Work

The scope of work in dentistry today exceeds far beyond merely cleaning, drilling and filling cavities. It involves prevention and public education, detection and management of oral conditions, correction of oral health issues, surgery and reconstruction, and aesthetic improvement to enhance the appearance of a patient’s smile.

Flexibility & Security

If you’re not necessarily keen on the 9 to 5 game, a career as a dentist offers great flexibility – often more so than any other area of medicine. Having professional flexibility means you can enjoy a schedule that gives you more independence and control. Many private practitioners can choose to work part-time if preferred, with the ability to select their own hours. Additionally, dentistry is a career that carries prestige and security.  And with a growing need for dental care, you’ll never have to worry about work not being in demand.

As you can see, there are many benefits that come with having a career as a dentist. Dentists perform an important service that helps people feel better about themselves. And with the evolving demands in the industry, you can enjoy job security, flexibility, and a career that you can feel proud of.

    Request an Appointment

    Fill out the form below to get in touch. For dental emergencies call: 613-746-4600