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The Early Warning Signs of Gingivitis

Gingivitis is something that you always hear about but often don’t give much thought to, or really understand. It’s difficult to imagine something like gum disease impacting you, but if you choose to ignore the symptoms, it can quickly escalate, leaving you with severe gum damage, teeth loss, and jaw issues. Luckily, you can avoid this by recognizing the signs and reporting any early stages of gum disease to your dentist.

Better yet, you should visit your dentist at least twice a year so they can monitor your gums and prevent this from occurring in the first place. But for now, it doesn’t hurt to understand what the early warning signs of gingivitis are and what you should do if you think you might have it.


One of the first signs of gingivitis is usually swollen gums. Healthy gums should appear as a light pinkish colour. If you notice that your gums are turning red and puffing up around the teeth, then it’s time to schedule an appointment with your dentist.


Any swelling of your gums is also generally accompanied by bleeding. If you experience any bleeding when you’re merely brushing your teeth, it’s likely a sign that the tartar buildup is irritating your gums, which is another early sign of gingivitis.

Tender to the Touch

Healthy gums are also firm and stable. If your gums are sore to touch or sensitive when you’re chewing, this could be an early indication as well. Fortunately, at this stage, the damage can still be reversed. But if left untreated, these warning signs can quickly escalate into periodontitis (gum disease), which can cause lasting damage to your teeth and oral health.

Bad Breath

When gum disease starts to set in, it can cause small pockets to form between your teeth and gums. If plaque and food debris get stuck in these areas, bacteria will form which can create an awful taste in your mouth and even bad breath. Any time you experience bad breath that’s not in relation to food that you just ate, you should see a dentist to determine the underlying condition.

Receding And Soft Gums

When should you really start being concerned?  The moment your gums start to soften and recede. If your teeth start to appear longer and you notice exposed roots, you need to get to a dentist immediately.

Even if you only experience one of these symptoms, it’s important to visit your dentist as soon as possible for a proper inspection. Catching gingivitis early can mean the difference between costly treatments and regaining a beautiful smile. Contact us today at Rockcliffe Dental for an appointment.

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